If you want to purchase the highest quality Capri Cigarettes online at the most reasonable price then there is no better place than this. All you have to do is browse our user-friendly website effortlessly and choose your favorite Capri Cigarettes for enjoying the best smoking experience that Capri has to offer. Capri is available in different variations and you will find a variety that suits you the best from regular, regular light, menthol light, and ultra-light varieties.
Capri was first introduced as a high-end brand by Lee Brothers Tobacco with the name Capri Rainbows because these cigarettes came in different paper colors. Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corporation turned Capri into a menthol cigarette of a regular gauge. Then the Reynolds American was formed after R.J. Reynolds and Brown & William merged in 2004. This company is manufacturing great quality Capri cigarettes to this day.
Capri cigarette was launched by targeting young women and this is why it was slim and light. It was the first super slim cigarette that existed back in 1987. If we talk about the circumference of Capri super slim cigarettes then you should know that it is only 17mm. On the other hand, the usual slim cigarettes come with a 23mm circumference and the conventional cigarettes come with 25mm. The slimmer is better when it comes to women in magazines and media. This is why Capri also follows this logic and manufactures the slimmest cigarettes with the finest tobacco. So, what are you waiting for? Choose your Capri today from our website and buy Capri Cigarettes online cost-efficiently.