Lucky Strike cigarette is a brand of American cigarettes that the American Tobacco Company started to produce in 1871. Everyone knows about this brand by its red and white distinctive packaging and its slogan which is “It’s Toasted”. This slogan referred to the process of the tobacco in the toasted cigarettes. It is believed that this resulted in producing milder and more flavorful cigarettes to have an overall positive impact on the experience of the smokers who like its flavor and mild at the same time. When it comes to quality, Lucky Strike cigarettes are considered to be a premium brand.
The manufacturer of this brand also marketed Lucky Strike as a better option for smokers who are health conscious because this brand is supposed to be healthier compared to other conventional cigarettes because of its toasting process while producing it. Lucky Strike has undergone several changes in ownership throughout its history. It has also gone through several different strategies for marketing.
This brand targeted the women during 1920s and its slogan was "Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet." It changed during World War II and this brand marketed this cigarette as a "wartime cigarette." Soldiers used to get these cigarettes as a part of their rations as well. This marketing strategy again changed in the 1960s when this brand started to advertise cigarettes with a modern and youthful image. After this, the sales of Lucky Strike skyrocketed and it became one of the top-selling cigarette brands in the United States. So, whether you are a woman, soldier, adult, or young adult, you can get the best quality Lucky Strike at the most reasonable price from us.